Stand in Awe

By Pastor Don Schatz

With the Lord, Not So Many Words

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It might seem disingenuous for a preacher, even a retired one, to encourage silence.  Or at least fewer words.  My kids tell me that if they asked a question that only required a simple answer when they were young, I would usually tell a story or give a short dissertation.  Too many words.

Much dreaming and many words are meaningless.  Therefore, stand in awe of God.
Ecclesiastes 5:7 New International Version

For the Preacher in Ecclesiastes, too much dreaming and too many words are vanity–a striving after wind. Admittedly, he could seem a bit curmudgeonly at times, or at least cynical.  Regardless, he is proved right time after time, isn’t he? 

Certainly, we need dreamers.  But only dreaming gets one nowhere.  We need words–I am using some right now–but only words doesn’t get anything done, and can be all about ego.  Likely it is.

“Therefore, stand in awe of God.”  Only five words.  But an inordinate amount of wisdom.  Not bad, even for a Preacher!  I can see the Olympic Mountains from my front windows.  I never tire of looking at them each morning.  No words necessary.  Just standing in awe.  Or, like this photograph, sunset over those same mountains.  Glory!

The spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude help us worship God with our eyes.  And to reflect on him in his Word.  No speaking.  No dreaming.  Standing in awe.  Even in retirement, I can get to the end of a day and look back at ‘busy-ness’ that interfered with standing in awe.  Even if I haven’t used many words.

Take time today.  Take time to still the voice.  Take time to reflect on the Word.  Stand (or sit!) in awe of our God who did not leave us Word-less but speaks to us of his lovingkindness in his Word.  Take time to stand in awe.  You don’t have to look at a sunset.  A tree in your yard.  The love of your life.  The beauty of a clear blue sky.  They, and so much more, attest to the wonder of our God.  Not so many words needed to worship.  Awesome!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.