Small But Mighty!

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

One Thing I Do Know

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“Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise.”
Proverbs 30:24

Do you think that you are too small to make much difference in this world?  Do you feel that your gifts and abilities don’t count for too much in God’s kingdom?  The writer of Proverbs looks at four small animals, the ant, the hyrax, the locust, and the lizard, and states that they may be small, but they are extremely wise!  They may not look like much, but they get things done in a big way.

Jesus tells us the same thing, that though you may be small or young or humble, yet you are great in God’s eyes.  The Lord takes the one  who is small and least of all and makes him the greatest.  Jesus takes a little child and says, “Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven!”

Those who are powerful and influential and strong often rely upon their own strength and smarts.  They value their own resources and do not look to God for their help.

But the one who is small and the servant of all, this is the one that God can use.  For he will not rely on his own power but upon God’s .  He calls upon God, relies upon Him, and gives Him the glory.

The world may cater to the strong and to the powerful.  But this one thing I do know; that though I may not be powerful or strong, my God is.  He is powerful and mighty and He has had mercy upon me for the sake of Jesus Christ my Lord.  And He can do great things!  He can take a cross and make it salvation, He can take death and make it life, He can take evil and make it good.

Our God has had mercy upon us and He can use you in your weakness and in your humbleness and in your smallness and use you for great things!  He is the Lord and great is His name!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.