Soaring God

By Pastor Don Schatz


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“He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind.”
II Samuel 22:11 New International Version

David sang these words in the song of praise and thanks he offered after a significant rescue from betrayal, pursuit, and the threat of death.  “He” is God.  What marvelous imagery.  God mounted the cherubim and flew to help.  It was the likeness of the cherubim that graced the lid of the Ark of the Covenant.  The Mercy Seat upon which God lived among his people was the place where the wings of the cherubim almost touched.  Now, the Lord mounts the cherubim to rescue.  He soared on the wings of the wind to help.

God soars.  Did you know?  Boats do not.  You probably did know that.  But with a big enough fork truck, boats can appear to fly.

The Lord flies on the wings of the cherubim.  And not only in the past to heroic followers like King David.  The Lord flies on the wings of the cherubim to you.  Today.

The Lord God soars on the wings of the wind to help you.  What marvelous images of the Lord’s love and compassion for us.

I know that it doesn’t always seem like the Lord flies to help us, whether on the cherubim, the wings of the wind or a large fork truck.  At times it seems like he is on walkabout.  It probably seemed the same for David as he was experiencing his issues.  As he needed rescue.  But faith is powerful.  It is powerful to see the Lord soaring to rescue because faith knows he does.  It is not a psychotic vision.  It is faith seeing and trusting what it knows to be true.  And HOPE invades our dark times in the grace of our God, in the breath of Life that is his Spirit, in the reminder of Christ’s ultimate work of rescue for us.

Suddenly we realize that he came to the rescue before we even knew it.  Our sense of his coming is our realization that the Lord was always present, always with us, always for us.  I wonder into whose life and need the Lord will fly today, on the wings of your faith, your heart of compassion, your smile, your strong embrace, your hands of fellowship and friendship.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado



About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.