Special To God

By Pastor Don Schatz

I Am Not Junk

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Do you have days when you feel less than perfect?  When it seems others view you that way?  Or worse?  Do you ever feel as though you have no value?  Do you know someone who feels that way?

“How much more valuable are you than the birds?”
Luke 12:24

Our heavenly Father takes meticulous, loving care of the birds.  “How much more valuable are you than the birds?” Jesus asks.  Tons.  Tons more valuable.  God created you on purpose.  You are not an accident.  Just so, God loves you on purpose.  He holds you in his arms, precious to him.  He values you enough to give his Son into suffering and death for you.  To buy you back from sin, death and the power of the devil.  How valuable you are to him.

The boat looks better in this picture than it does in person!  It might look less than perfect to us, perhaps even junk.  But it is not junk to its owner.  Even with the hole in the bimini.  The owner is paying mooring fees.  The boat is loaded with expensive fishing gear.  I might think it needs a sign that reads, “I am not junk!” but it is precious to its owner.

On occasion, I have to remind myself that I am not junk. Not to the Lord.  Thankfully, not to my family, friends and Christian sisters and brothers.  They find value in me.  In fact, they simply value me.  Period.  And that is a blessing.

God looks at us, at you, and does not see dollar signs.  You are precious to him.  He values you.  Period.  He doesn’t need to place a “This is not junk” sign on you because when he looks at you, he sees a daughter; he sees a son.  His daughter.  His son.  Precious.  Valuable.  Infinitely loved.

Today, with that reminder, still one more.  He gives us into the lives of others, others who may feel “like junk”.  We are God’s arms to embrace; he legs to walk into those lives; his eyes to be filled with compassion; his ears to listen, and in the listening itself remind others of how valuable they are; his lips to speak his words: how valuable you are!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.