Stuck in the Desert

by Zach Roll

Where Do We Go From Here?

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4 English Standard VersionĀ 

Easter is over.

We just finished up the Lenten season in the church, concluding with the wonderful celebration of Easter Sunday. With joyful music and loud voices singing praise to God in unison, it is hard to beat the Easter service at church.

So where do we go from here? As we go through Lent and get to Easter, the culmination feels like a spiritual high. However, not every day and not every Sunday feels like Easter. Where do we go when we come back to normalcy? Many people struggle with coming down off such a joyful occasion. It can be kind of sad, and it might feel like we are doing something wrong – why aren’t we always as joyful as we are on Easter Sunday?

Well, like I and others have written before, emotions have their ebb and flow. They certainly have their place and they can be a wonderful support to our worship and devotion, but they are not consistent. The good news? Jesus is still risen. We say he IS risen because we proclaim that Jesus is alive this day, and that we wait in hope for his triumphant return. We can celebrate Jesus’ resurrection every single day, all year long, because Jesus is just as alive today as he was when he defeated death in his resurrection.

But life still feels redundant and mundane sometimes, and it can’t always be as energetic and exciting as Easter Sunday.

That is why Jesus tells us that we are to abide in Him. To abide means to keep hold of, or conform to something. If we make a habit of abiding in the Word of God, then the Holy Spirit will abide in us. Make your dwelling place in the Word of God, and even the mundane days of our lives will be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit living with us.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO

About Zach Roll

I am a first year student at Concordia Seminary. Hearing the Word preached in Law and Gospel and hearing that my sins are forgiven is the most comforting part of my week and my life.