The Proverbs

By: Elizabeth Haarberg

Wisdom and Discipline

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The book of Proverbs in the Bible seems to jump from one subject to the next, but when we back up to the first chapter we find that the purpose of the book is a mixture of wisdom, discipline, insight, and teaching, which are all expressed in Proverbs 1:7 if you want to read in more detail. Proverbs seems to be a place that people can go and pick verses out to fit their situation or needs, which is good, but can also be concerning if taken out of context. I chose a few that I view as fairly strong on their own that I thought might be good to store away when needed.

If you lose heart when things go wrong, your strength is not worth much.” Proverbs 24:10 The New Jerusalem Bible

“Should your enemy fall, do not rejoice, when he stumbles do not let your heart exult: for fear that Yahweh will be displeased at the sight and turn his anger away from him.”
Proverbs 24:17 The New Jerusalem Bible

“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.”
Proverbs 25:21-22 English Standard Version

He who hates pretends with his lips, but stores up deceit within himself.
Proverbs 26:24 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

“For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Proverbs 2:6 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

Proverbs, much like Psalms, are books in the Bible that can be read in short bursts, meditated on, and stored away in our hearts and minds for situations that arise in life.

“I meditate on your precept and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees: I will not neglect your word.” Psalm 119:15-16 New International Version

God’s word is the food we need to nourish us in our daily life. Just pause for a moment and ingest for strength and endurance.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Elizabeth Haarberg

Elizabeth Williams Haarberg lives in Kearney, Nebraska with her husband and four children. She has lived in many places but has found her true home with God.