Vacation Time!

Taking time to relax and enjoy the blessings God gives us.

Written by Richelle Hecker.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

Rat race…Battle of life…Treadmill…Survival of the fittest…A vicious circle.

All of these terms are used to describe the daily grind of life. Yep, that was another one! It is easy to get into a rut, with little to look forward to, and the belief that it will never end. It causes us to lose stamina and joy.

Is it God’s will for us to always keep our noses to the grindstone? I hear myself repeating the old adage, “There is no rest for the weary.”, and I find it discouraging.

This photo was taken by a friend who is cleaning out a home. He reached up, snapped this shot in an effort to check for spiders, and this is what he found. The irony of a vacation jar wrapped in cobwebs was not lost on me. The jar was empty. This is how I see so many of us living out our lives. We are working hard, without resting, in an effort to get ahead.

That is not God’s design. The more I dug into scripture, the more evidence I found that God wants us to both work hard and to rest. We are encouraged to stop and enjoy the benefits of our labor. Indeed, the adage I quoted above is incorrect. Somewhere along the line the words, “There is no rest for the wicked.”, was twisted. What does God say about weariness?

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:28-29 English Standard Version

Jesus took opportunities to rest, and told His disciples to take time to rest. God set aside specific times for rest in His commandments. He even commands us to let the land rest! He set up times of celebration as well. When you look at your vacation jar, and decide there is no time to take a break, remember what God said. Work hard, but then rest and rejoice.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Richelle Hecker

I am a mother of five, Army widow, speaker, podcaster and blogger. It is my desire to comfort others with the same comfort God continues to grant me.