
By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Oh, Lord, How Shall I Greet You?

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“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”
Matthew 24:42 New International Version

The days are dreary, overcast and rainy during the Oregon winter.  It is not unusual to go days without sunshine.  But at day’s end, just for a few minutes as the sun begins to descend over the mountains, often the sun breaks through and there is a beautiful, radiant sunset.  The day may have been long, but what an ending!

In speaking about His second coming, Jesus uses much the same language.  The day may seem long and dreary, dark and without light, but keep watch!  The Lord will come again at day’s end.  There will be a glorious ending to it all for all those who have waited and watched for Him!

At Christmas, Children can feel like celebration and the opening of the presents will never come.  Wistfully they eye the presents under the tree, the empty stockings by the fire.  But Christmas does come for those who wait!  The Gift of our Lord Jesus will again be celebrated and much joy and rejoicing will be heard!

And so with all the faithful we wait.  We wait for the celebration of the Word made flesh.  We wait for the ending of the long and dreary day.  We wait for Christ to come in glory to take us home.

And so Jesus says to you and me, “Therefore keep watch…” Keep your eyes upon God’s Word and His promises.  Keep your eyes upon the horizon for when Christ returns.  Keep watch upon the faithfulness and love of God, shown forth in the birth of His Son, the Word made flesh for a dark and dreary world.  Keep watch!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.