We Need a Superhero!

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

The Only Savior

“I, am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior.”
Isaiah 43:11 English Standard Version

While we were on our mision trip in Costa Rica we presented a series of skits and songs about superheroes.  The children were enthralled as they recounted their favorite superheroes – Superman, Spider Man, Batman, the Flash, and on and on.  The children talked excitedly about how their hero could save people, perhaps even save the whole world, and how they wanted to be like their favorite hero.

Then we let them know that in reality, there was only one real superhero, only one who could save us from our worst enemies.  Perhaps a comic book hero could save people from perishing on earth, but no imagined hero could ever save you and me from sin and eternal death.  There is only one actual Savior, and His name is Jesus.  He did what no superhero could do, He suffered for the sins of the world, He paid the debt for our iniquities, He opened the door to heaven itself through His death and resurrection.

And Jesus not only opens heaven to us, He comes into your life and changes you from the inside out.  He washes away your sins and places His Spirit within you.  He gives you a new life and changes you to be like Himself, one who loves others and sacrifices for them.

Yes, comic book heroes may seem more glamorous with their cool costumes and big muscles and super powers, but there is only One who can actually save us from sin and death and the devil.  He comes as a humble baby in a manger and He humbly rides a donkey into Jerusalem to be crowned with thorns and be raised up on a cross.  And His sacrifice is the only sacrifice that can save you and me.

Lord Jesus, You are our Savior and Lord.  Thank you for Your sacrifice that saved me from my sins and opened heaven to me.  Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.