
By Don Schatz

This I Know

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“…your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14  New International Version

I think the Saguaro cactus is a wonder.  They can grow 45-60 feet tall.  When fully watered, they can weigh in at 3-6 tons.  A Saguaro doesn’t grow arms before age 70 and can live 150-200 years.  The Tohono O’odham people of the Sonoran desert around Tucson consider the Saguaro a different kind of humanity.  They are viewed as respected members of the Tribe.  A legend of the tribe is that the Saguaro was once a race of giant humans, who stood guard in the desert.  So faithful were they in this task, they eventually grew roots and are now stationary.

On top of all of that, I think they are COOL!  I can look at a Saguaro for so long that if my mother were here, she would say it was time to do something useful.  They are majestic examples of God’s creative genius.  This I know.  This I believe.  Most often the Saguaro’s arms are curved upward, as though lifted in praise to the Lord.

Is there something that evokes this wonder in you?  What is it?  How does it make you feel about God?  All creation displays the wonder of our God.  You may well have many things that cause you to stand in awe when you see them.  When you see one, I hope you stop and muse in that awe-filled moment.  Stay long enough to hear your mother or father suggest it’s time to move on.  Then stay a bit longer.  Enjoy the Lord.  Enjoy the Lord’s creation.  It is good for the heart.  It blesses the mind.  It lifts up the soul.

To God alone be glory.  That’s what the Saguaro teaches me.  Lift up your arms in praise.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.