A Song for the Ages

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Hard Working Hymns

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“And they sang a new song….”
Revelation 5:9a New International Version

The picture of the pump organ tells it all.  The pedals working the bellows in the organ are worn with the diligent organist pumping music for the church hymns. The faithful sing the songs proclaiming their faith in Jesus Christ, hymns like “Rock of Ages”, “Beautiful Savior”, “The Old Rugged Cross”, “Onward Christian Soldiers”, “A Mighty Fortress”, “Amazing Grace”, and many, many more.

How many times have we sung these and similar hymns at the passing of one of our faithful believers.  Even now I can hear the echoes of all those throngs of people faithfully witnessing to their sure hope in our Lord and Savior.  How many years have we waited, trusting in the promises of God as we await His coming!

In the Revelation of Saint John, we hear and experience a new song, a different song, a song of triumph, not hope, a song of completion, not yearning, a song of joy, and not mourning.  All creatures, the angels in heaven and all the saints, ancient and modern are gathered around the throne, praising the Lamb who sits there, and singing, “Worthy is the Lamb!”  No more will we have to sing songs of hope and waiting, but instead, songs of victory and praise.

No more will we sing songs at funerals with tears running down our faces as we say goodbye to our loved ones.  But every tear will be wiped away and no more shall we toil and no more shall we wait.  We will see Jesus face to face and fall down before Him, singing a new song forever and ever.

Lord, thank you for the new song you will give us as we praise you forever and ever.  Give us faith to trust in Your promises until You come again to take us all home.  Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.