
by Jordy van Gaalen

Beyond our Control

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link.

“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen”
Hebrews 13:21 NIV

Equipped. I often have to feel equipped before venturing out. Even going to work, I do my essential “checks.” “Library Name Tag, Water, Lunch, Materials to Return before being overdue (so that I’m a good example for library patrons).” Check – if I forgot anything beyond that, I will manage. This started with volleyball, my fear of forgetting one of the seemingly many pieces of equipment. “Shoes, Ankle Brace, Clean Socks, Knee Pads, Water.” Check. 

It is easy to want to “control” our environment in order to feel safe. We want to have a grip on our surroundings. We want to keep hold of something that is within our grasp. When we step out of circumstances we feel in control of, we can become tentative and unsure. But God promises to provide us with all we will need. He will equip us with everything we need.

This still takes quite a bit of bravery and boldness. This still takes prayer and leaning into God. We will be uncomfortable, asked to do tasks that don’t feel “safe.” Abraham was asked to wander to a new yet nameless home. Moses was asked to be a mouthpiece and leader for a nation in spite of his stutter and lack of confidence. But God provided a path for Abraham, and he provided a partner to speak for Moses. God fully equipped them, as He will fully equip us for the things we are called into.

God will often call us to do things that don’t feel easy. We are often called to step out beyond ourselves into something greater. God is at work in ways that we cannot know or see. God is calling us each in unique ways to make a difference in growing His Kingdom and in giving glory to His Most Holy Name.


Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado