Fighting for You

by Kala Loptien

God’s Got This

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The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14 NIV

In what seems to be a direct and matter-of-fact pep talk, Moses tells the people that God is working on their behalf and that they need not be afraid or take matters into their own hands. In fact, before this verse in Exodus, he tells them they will see their salvation accomplished. I can just see the scene playing out. We have a large group of scared, anxious, untrusting individuals, looking to Moses for answers…fast! Though Moses claims in an earlier chapter to struggle with speaking, the Lord equipped him with the right words of encouragement.

It’s hard to just sit still when situations are out of our control. How quickly and often do we forget that God’s got this and He’s at work on our behalf. Rarely do we know exactly what tomorrow will bring or how it will play out. Only sometimes can we see (and make guesses) as to why things happen the way they do. And that’s where faith enters. If we believe with our whole heart that the Lord is sovereign and He has all the pieces perfectly planned, then we should be in good shape. But it’s a little more complicated than that.

Because of our humanity, we’re faced with the constant tension of trusting one minute and fearing the worst the next. I just took a deep breath and sighed out my own confession of distrust in this current season. God already knew that. He knows we struggle in this area just like all the Believers before us. That’s why He has equipped us with a number of tools and tactics to remind us and keep us steadfast. We have His word and His promises. Hymns and songs sing of this truth. Devotions, studies, worship and our Christian communities point us back to His faithfulness, encouraging perseverance and trust. Best of all, we have a direct line of communication with Him, and He sends His spirit to bring us peace and comfort. There’s no doubt about it: He is fighting for us.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.