Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Turn My Eyes From Worthless Things

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“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.”
Psalm 119:37 New International Version

“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”  Perhaps you learned this worthy proverb when you were a child. To stay away from evil is good advice and in the Lord’s prayer we pray, “And deliver us from evil”.

But our Scripture today goes further than instructing us to “see no evil”, but tells you and me to “turn my eyes away from worthless things”.  For there are many things in this life that are not exactly evil, but are certainly worthless.

What do we fill up our time doing?  Endless binge watching of mindless sit coms or sensational news?  Fretting and worrying about things we cannot change?  Rehearsing the slights and offenses that others have done to us?  Dwelling upon being a victim and the suffering we are going through?  These are worthless things, things that do not resolve the real issues of our lives nor honor God nor help others.

The Psalmist prays to the Lord, “Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.”  It is not enough to just turn away from worthless things, but we pray that our eyes would instead be turned to God’s Word.  It is God’s Word that gives life.  It is God’s Word that gives comfort and forgiveness.  It is God’s Word that gives true wisdom.  It is God’s Word that brings true joy and peace.  It is God’s Word that brings us Jesus.

Oh, Lord, I turn my eyes away from this world’s worthless things and I turn my eyes upon You and Your Word.  Sustain me by Your promises and mercy.  Amen.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.