From Winter to Spring

by Kala Loptien

The New Has Come

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this Sound Cloud link.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Snow hikes certainly rival fair-weather hikes for me. We braved a snow-packed hike over a frozen waterfall last month. The ice was beautiful; but there was also an eeriness about it. Everything underneath was frozen in time. It felt like a scene out of Narnia. Towards the top of the fall, if the whispering trees calmed and your mind was quiet enough, you could hear trickling. There was movement happening underneath the thick layers of ice.

I started thinking about the winters of our hearts. Depending where you live, wintertime means cold, chilly air, snow and ice. Growth ceases as the landscape goes dormant. The days are overcast and the light disappears much earlier. The same patterns happen for our spiritual life if we choose to winterize our faith. We become guarded and cold. When we cease to listen and stop seeking, we begin sinking further and become dormant in our walk. We can easily become deceived and the truth is no longer in us. Our life becomes a frozen, gray landscape. Our light dims.

But, listen closely. There it is. The soft sound of the Spirit beneath the ice. He’s been there all along, pursuing. When we recognize that pursuit and seek Him, we find exactly what our soul needs. We were created with hope in our hearts and a longing to be in communion with our Creator. When we align our life and desires with His will and plan, true change happens. Spring happens. When we put all our trust in Jesus, the old is gone and we become a new creation. Every day is a day He has made for us to live our life on this earth, rejoicing. The new is here. Rejoice!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.