Grammatical Love

By Pastor Don Schatz

The Lord’s Valentine Heart

You can listen to today’s Devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“…keep yourselves in the love of God….”
Jude 21. English Standard Version

It seems obvious to consider Love on Valentine’s Day.  I shall refrain from reviewing the history, especially since there are at least three separate historical traditions about that 3rd Century Italian saint, Valentinus.  But some grammar might be appropriate, even on Valentine’s Day!

In the Greek original, this “verse part” literally reads:  “yourselves in the love of God keep…”  You might think, ‘wait, did Yoda write this?’  (If you don’t get the reference, talk to a Star Wars fan).  So, with no reference at all to ‘The Force’, we translate, “Keep yourselves in the love of God.”

Now, for some grammar.  (See if you can find that in a Hallmark card!)  “…the love of God” is not your love for God.  It is God’s love for you.  God’s love for you never wavers.  His love for you is not based on your looks, your wisdom in the church and world, your economic or social status, your zip code, the type of car you drive, or even on how many bathrooms your house has.  God is love.  God loves you.  It is an everlasting love.  It is a ‘willful’ love–God intentionally and eternally loves you.  God’s love gives life.

It was God’s love for us in and through Christ Jesus, his life, death, resurrection and ascension that gives us life, forgiveness and salvation.  With that backdrop, Yoda, oops, I mean Jude, wrote, “yourselves in the love of God keep.”  Because “in” God’s love is Life, Hope, Peace, Restoration, Reconciliation, Joy, and our eternal Father’s eternal embrace.  How much he loves us!  How much he loves you!

The heart of God in the cross of Christ speaks his love.  His love for us.  His love for you.  We live, move and have our being ‘in’ God’s love.  Where else would we ever keep ourselves?!  Happy Grammatical Heavenly Lovely Valentine’s Day.  And I’m sure Yoda would agree.

Copyright, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado


About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.