Heart Issues

by Kala Loptien

Uprooting Envy

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this Sound Cloud link.

So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.
1 Peter 2:1 English Standard Version

All of God’s creatures seem to struggle with covetousness. The ducks in this photo watched carefully as the other scooped up a better snack or snagged a better spot within the lily pads. Children are notorious for desiring the specific toy their sibling or friend has (even though it might be an exact replica of the one they’re holding). We observe this behavior and chuckle, thinking it’s silly or even ridiculous. But are we really all that different?

Sure, we may not act like animals or children, chasing each other off or picking a fight (hopefully). We’ve probably developed better filters and ways of regulating as adults. Does that mean our hearts are free from envy? I’ll answer for everyone: no. Covetousness and envy are deep-rooted sin issues. We can thank Adam and Eve for that. The enemy of course knew that he could craft a narrative that would tempt them to question what they’d been given and desire that which was not theirs to have. Hmmm…

Do you find yourself envying the life or blessings God has ordained for others? This way of living is a slippery slope. It causes us to fixate on what God has not ordained for us. Not only that, it casts a dark shadow over everything He HAS done in our lives. How quickly we forget His amazing grace. A grace that is more than enough. In fact, it is everything.

And so, at all times and in every circumstance, we seek the Lord’s intervention. That’s because we know He will guide and provide for our good. When we earnestly ask God to search our hearts, we open ourselves to some intense and necessary conviction. David provides us with the words we need:

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139:23-24 ESV


Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.