It Is Finished!

by Rev Steve Nickodemus

The death that brings life.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?”
Luke 24:26

They have torn down my old school. What you are seeing is the one remaining wall of my kindergarten classroom. Eugene Field is no more, and there is grief.

Of course, it was time. The building had served its purpose. Now its’ end makes way for new life on that same property, but when I took this picture I could not see that. I could only see the death of something I loved.

That is exactly where Jesus’ followers were, on that Good Friday, nearly 2000 years ago. Their beloved Teacher, Master, and Lord had died. With His death died all their hopes, and dreams, of Him ushering in the kingdom of God.

It was the end of their beloved memories of Him. All they could see was the cross, and the grave.

Our Heavenly Father had a vastly different perspective. Jesus’ death was not an unfortunate tragedy, but a very necessary part of God’s plan to save the world. Our Lord had come to do His Father’s will, and just before He dies He cries out, “It is finished!” The Father’s plan was fulfilled. His own Son had paid the price for the punishment of our sin, and because He suffered, and died, you and I are saved. Out of His death comes life for all who would believe in Him.

Three days later, and Life arose from the grave. For death could not hold the Lord of Life. As He has died, we die to our sins. As He rose, we rise to eternal life!

It is finished! The victory is won! Out of our grief, sorrow, and death comes hope, joy, and life! Amen!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.