Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me!

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Jesus Is in the Boat With You!

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link.

“The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us!  We’re going to drown!”
Matthew 8:25 New International Version

As my mother was dying from cancer, she laboriously handwrote several copies of the hymn, “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me”.  When I asked her why she was doing that, she told me, “So that my family can sing this around my bed as I die.”  And so we did.   And ever since that moment, this hymn has inspired me in dark and stormy times.

When I saw this small ship that took the harbor pilots out through the mouth of the Columbia River, I thought of my mother’s song.  Each giant ship that travels through the perilous and often stormy waters of the river’s opening to the sea must have an experienced pilot to bring her in.  And day in and day out, through all types of weather, the pilots go out to bring the ship and crew in through danger.

I have great news for you.  Jesus is your harbor pilot, and he is in your boat with you!  Whatever sin, death, or the devil throws at you will not wash you away from Jesus.  The biggest sneaker waves, the worst storm, the most treacherous hurricane will never remove you from Jesus’ side.

When the disciples panicked in the midst of the storm on the sea, Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves.  And He chided them for their lack of faith in Him and His Father.  When you are in the storm, trust in Jesus.  When you are afraid of being washed overboard, know that Jesus has hold of you.  And when this life is finally over, be assured that Jesus will pilot you home into the safe harbor of heaven.

“When at last I near the shore
And the fearful breakers roar
Twixt me and the peaceful rest,
Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
May I hear Thee say to me;
Fear not, I will pilot thee.”

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.