Depend on God

by Christine Berglund

It’s All From Him

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

And Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.’”
Matthew 19:23-24 English Standard Version

I used to be puzzled by these verses. I thought, why doesn’t God like rich people? Why wouldn’t he let them into Heaven or why does he make it harder for them to get into Heaven? I thought anyone who believed in Jesus, whether rich or poor, could be saved. And isn’t God the one who blessed them with the riches they have anyway?

A Honduran home kitchen

As I have continued to grow, learn, and experience, I understand this verse differently. I recently went on a mission trip to Honduras, and we visited some of the very poorest in a rural area and in the capital city. We went to provide encouragement, our presence, and time as well as resources, and I was struck by the faith of so many of these people. They had almost nothing to rely on except God. Some literally were depending on God to get their next meal. Work is hard to come by. Education is limited. Many rely on their families, but their families don’t have anything either. They are not rich in material possessions; however, I saw many who were rich in faith and love. Though they have little, they trust God and believe in his promises. They were so aware of miracles and blessings all around them: a new roof, a plate of food that included meat this time, a gift from a sponsor parent, a hug from a missionary who came to visit them. They had joy and they gave credit and glory to God for all of it.

Meanwhile, I and most of the people I know here at home have plenty of food (often too much honestly), adequate housing, clothing, education, and work. I am ashamed to admit that, unlike my Honduran friends, I oftentimes struggle with pride and self-reliance regarding these things. I give myself the credit for what I have because I have worked hard, because I am smart, because I am special, because I made the right choices, because I lucked out, or any other number of explanations other than God. I am spoiled with riches, and instead of gratitude, I feel entitled. Instead of believing and trusting in God, I have made myself a god.

No, God isn’t the one keeping people out of Heaven because they are rich. Those who are rich in material possessions sometimes keep God at a distance because they fail to be humble and fail to recognize their need for Him. When we have so much, we begin to rely on our stuff instead of relying on our Heavenly Father. This is how we miss out on the kingdom of God that is available to all of us.

Lord, help me to be rich in faith, gratitude, and love for you and to recognize that all I have and all I am comes from you alone. Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

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