New Life from Jesus!

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

The Fruit of His Righteousness

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“…. filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ…”
Philippians 1:11a New International Version

We have just experienced the joy and wonder of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus on Easter Sunday.  What does that mean for my life?

It means that because Jesus died for my sins, I am forgiven and washed clean, made righteous in Him.  And because He rose from the dead, I will have eternal life with the Lord and all believers forever!   That assurance of forgiveness and eternal life affects everything in my life.  Because of what God had done for me in Christ Jesus, His Holy Spirit is working in me to love my neighbor and to share the Good News of Jesus with everyone.

And the most wonderful thing about this is that this love and faith do not come from me, but from Christ living in me.  It is like branches that are connected to the tree.  As the life giving nutrients come up into the branches, the branches flower and bear fruit.  Even so, as the Holy Spirit nourishes me and feeds me by the Word of God, I produce the fruit of righteousness of Jesus Christ.

And as I bear fruit, the witness of Jesus Christ goes out to all people around me.  And they are attracted not to me, but to Jesus Christ in me.  May the Lord bear much fruit in you, fruit that will last to eternal life, and may the world see Jesus in you!

Lord, thank you for your righteousness won in the death and life of Jesus Christ.  May the fruit of His righteousness be borne in me abundantly that all might see and experience His love and grace!  Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.