Rise Up

by Jordy van Gaalen

Take Courage, and Do It

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“Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.”
Ezra 10:4 NIV

‘Now get up, Ezra. Take charge—we’re behind you. Don’t back down.’”
Ezra 10:4 (MSG)

The Israelites had been unfaithful to God once again. They realized the errors of their ways and in their guilt, they wept bitterly in prayer and confession. They knew they had wandered away from their Lord. The people repented and believed that there was still hope for redemption and grace. They turned to God’s commands and His counsel. 

Opposition was going to occur. The path to healing was not going to be smooth nor easy. Not everyone would be on board with putting their past behind them and submitting to the Lord’s commands. But they trusted that it would be successful.

There was a group in support of Ezra’s goal to turn away from Israelite’s collective sin and follow the Lord with heart, soul, and mind. He was not alone in this mission. A large crowd and a group of priests and Levites were in full support.

There are times in our lives where we need to take a bit of a U-turn. We see the errors of our ways, we finally open our eyes to the route away from God that we have traveled. Though the road back to healing may be difficult, our Savior will be there in the success. God has placed people in our lives that will be our support. A community of fellow believers who wish to pursue Christ with heart, soul, and mind is vital. 

Where do you need to take a U-turn back toward Our Savior? Where, today, do you need to take courage and put in the work? How can you surrender in your endeavors, placing that trust in God, knowing you will succeed because of the strength and grace of Christ?

Rise up, take courage, and do it.


Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado