Spiritual Fitness: Mentoring

by Victoria Heinecke

We are called at God’s appointed time.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. 

“…who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14b English Standard Version (ESV)

A year ago, my fitness journey took a major turn when I began working for the YMCA. I had little interest in athletics in my youth, and I never imagined that, someday, I would be working at a gym.

Amazingly, I even became a personal trainer! I have learned about human movement science, nutrition, assessment, and designing programs to help others get healthy in an efficient and safe way. I learn something new almost every day through study, continued certification, and networking with physical therapists and fellow trainers.

I serve over a dozen clients who are on their health and fitness journeys.

It has taken over half a century, but it finally feels as if I am doing what I was called to do.

I’ve asked God more than once, “Why couldn’t this have happened twenty years ago, when I was still young?”

If that had happened, I would not have worked with the trainer God appointed for me (he was only five years old at that time!). Perhaps God ordained that his life would be influenced by our association? I may not have met the members and co-workers that have blessed my life and encouraged me along the way. I hope, in a way, that I am a blessing to others.

Whether we are called to the work force, or to raise our children at home, or to minister to others in the spirit of volunteerism, we are where God appoints us to be. As summer winds down and we return to the rhythms of school, work and service, may we remember that we all are where we are meant to be, in God’s time.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…
Ecclesiates 3:1 ESV

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Victoria Heinecke

Victoria lives in Colorado with her husband, Jon. She is a Certified Personal Trainer and works at an area fitness center. She and Jon sing with the Colorado Springs Chorale and Orbital Harmony. A lifelong baseball fan, one of her goals is to see a game at every major league ballpark. She also enjoys fitness boxing, art, music and travel, and loves exploring the natural beauty of her home state.