What’s in Your House?

by Richelle Hecker

Being filled with God’s wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. 

I enjoy looking at houses. I like to drive, or stroll around, and observe different architecture and landscapes. Houses say a lot about the people living there, and I tend to imagine stories of how each house evolved. Perhaps you’ve seen, or lived in, a home that appears to have an infinite number of emergency additions? It looks like they grabbed whatever materials they had on hand at the time to make room for an unexpectedly expanding family. There are homes with overgrown bushes in front of the windows that make me wonder whether the person living there has grown incapable of trimming them, or if they just feel safer because no one can see, or enter, in that way.

It’s a bonus when an interesting home hosts an estate sale. It feels like I’m getting to know the owner, as I see the possessions that different phases of their life brought them. Often there is evidence of children, and pets, who lived there and moved on. There might be well loved toys, that I also enjoyed when I was young, or dishes and appliances that were the must have items of their time. The house, yard, and possessions tell a story about their lives.

Then I begin looking around my own home and wonder what it says about me? At times when circumstances are overwhelming, my yard may fall into disrepair. Meanwhile, calmer times may bring extra embellishments.   My house is filled with memories of both challenging and joyful times as well. Everything I see tells a part of my story.

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”
Proverbs 24:3-4 New American Standard Bible 

This proverb uses the image of a home to remind us what is important. We must seek wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to build, establish, and fill us with precious and pleasant things.  As we ask God for these things he beautifies us externally, and internally, and like a home we become living stories that speak to others.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO

About Richelle Hecker

I am a mother of five, Army widow, speaker, podcaster and blogger. It is my desire to comfort others with the same comfort God continues to grant me.