The Father’s Open Hand

by Rev Steve Nickodemus

Our eyes fixed on Him…

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.  You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.”
Psalm 145:15-16

When you look across a field of grain ready to harvest, what do you see?  Do you see a beautiful landscape, a farmer’s hard work, a miracle of growth?  Those sights are certainly there.

But look more closely.  What do you see?  Do you see hungry people, prayers lifted up for food, a Father’s open hand?  For the eyes of all those who hunger look to God, the Provider of all things.  Perhaps when we are well fed and not often hungry, we do not open our eyes to the One who feeds us, who satisfies the desires of every living thing.

As you sit down tonight to eat, bow your head, close your eyes, and open your mind and heart to a God who freely gives to all His creatures.  Open your soul to His amazing grace, His provision for our bodies and our souls.  For He not only provides our daily bread, but He opens up heaven itself through the Gift of His own Son.

Each day take time to give thanks for His blessings, large and small.  And open your eyes to the Giver, the Provider, the God of the universe who gives you all that you need for this life and for eternal life.

O give thanks unto you, Lord, for you are good and your mercy endures forever! Amen!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.