The Master’s Voice

by Kala Loptien

Lean & Listen

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My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27 English Standard Version

Our dog is a big sweetheart. She has a well-known “lean” and a desire to be as close as possible. She’s also a very obedient creature (for the most part). I can think of a few specific instances where her desire to please, listen and obey actually saved her life.

One morning in particular, I was out watering some newly-planted bushes in our front yard. The side gate was left open so the hose could reach. As I stood there watering, in an early-morning brain fog, I suddenly heard a few unfamiliar squeaking noises. Promptly, three tiny fawn raced for their lives out of our yard followed by one excited golden retriever. As the four ran towards one of the busiest streets in our city, I mustered a loud and definite command. To my shock and relief, my dog stopped, turned and came trotting back to me. I took a big breath and gave her a big hug.

Something in her knew she should listen to my voice. Something in her wanted to turn back. It reminded me of us. There are times in our life when the temptation to follow others, to be led astray, and sometimes just flat-out chase the desires of the world, occurs.

Voices swirl in our heads. But God’s voice is distinct, definite and absolute. He calls to us and draws us. He leaves the 99 to find us wandering. Something in us recognizes His voice. We know Him — our Creator, Savior, Sustainer, Lord. The One who died in our place so that we would be made righteous before Him. We can’t rescue ourselves from our struggles in the flesh. But we can respond to His voice. We can seek and find Him by being in the Word, caring for His sheep and sharing God’s love with others.

Lord, place in us a desire to lean in and be as close as possible to you — our Rock and Redeemer.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.