Think About Such Things

by Jordyn van Gaalen

Dwelling on the Goodness of God

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

Recently, I began using this verse as my daily prayer. But as I prayed, I realized I couldn’t differentiate between each word that we are told to meditate on. I began muddling their definitions together in my mind, until they all seemed to mean the same thing. I figured every word was important and distinct enough for Paul to name each one. 

So I began with the dictionary:

True – in accordance with the actual state or conditions
Noble – distinguished by rank or title; exalted moral or mental character
Right – in accordance with what is good, proper, or just
Pure – free of anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind
Lovely – charmingly or exquisitely beautiful
Admirable – inspiring approval, reverence, or affection
Excellent – possessing outstanding quality or superior merit
Praiseworthy – deserving of approval or commendation; laudable 

Rather than wallowing in my doubts, my fears, and my worries, the situations I have been struggling through, and all the worldly things that take my eyes off Christ, I seek to dwell on the characteristics of God and the blessings He lavishes on me. 

True – I know that I am a child of God, and that God is good, always.
Noble – God is sovereign. He is in control of my situation, the mountains I am facing today, the journey I am walking through.
Right – God works all things through His perfect, proper timing. I don’t always see it while going through trials, but looking back, I can see God’s hand throughout the course of my life.
Pure – I think of the untouched snow I currently witness every day, and as I see it, it is a reminder of the cleansing of my soul. God has made us white as snow, by the spilling of Jesus’ blood.
Lovely – The mountains I stand in awe of and the fading light of dusk that drapes the world around me in a bluish haze remind me that God is an artist.
Admirable – God’s answer to my prayers. I got a job I didn’t think I would get during the weeks of silence. Without a job, I had no guarantee of a place to live, but God provided, as He does, time and time again.
Excellent – The guidance, wisdom, and comfort that are shown through Jesus’ example in the Word of God, as He walked among us.
Praiseworthy – The ability to dance and sing and play music for Jesus. It is amazing what these expressions can do in worshiping Christ and renewing my soul. 

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado