Through and Through

by Jordy van Gaalen

Trusting in His Guidance 

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“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”
Psalm 143:8 NIV

Each morning brings a clean slate, a fresh start. It is a time to connect with our Savior. We can rise and renew our relationship with God. The rising of the sun is a great reminder that God sent His Son to give us life. He sent His Son to bring redemption for us, and He did so out of His unfailing and everlasting love. 

We trust in Him to carry us through the day, to guide us through the decisions we make, and to strengthen us in every moment. He is with us. And we can trust in Him because of His love, the love He so vividly has shown us. He reveals paths and opens our eyes. He will give us guidance as we follow Him and continue in the path of obedience and love. We can trust in Him to not only show the way or open the door, but we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He won’t leave us at the entrance. He will lead us through and through. 

When we surrender our lives and our decisions to our Heavenly Father, He will work in and through us miracles we could never have imagined. We are His vessels. He is the potter, and we are the clay. He has the whole picture, while we have hardly a sliver of a view.

Life sure seems to go better when I am walking with God, when I am in connection and communication with Christ. That doesn’t promise an easy or smooth life. That doesn’t guarantee constant rainbows and roses. But even through the storms and the thorns, God will be with us. He will produce the rainbow and the roses. He will water the seeds we plant with his grace and guidance and Spirit. Even through hardships, He is good and He is faithful.

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”
Psalm 143:10 NIV


Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado