Welcome Home!

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Jesus is Waiting for us!

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“Look,” Stephen said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”
Acts 7:56 New International Version

When our new admin assistant came on at Trinity, we welcomed her with a lunch and much joy.  Here’s Lori, standing under Trinity’s welcome sign!

When Stephen was being killed for his witness to our Lord Jesus, Jesus appeared to Stephen and welcomed him home.  Being named Stephen myself, I am particularly drawn to this story and what it has to say for you and me as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Stephen had come to believe in Jesus and had followed Him in whatever task Jesus gave him.  And when that task meant speaking of his faith to a very hostile audience, Stephen does not shrink from the task.  Acts 7 is the record of Stephen’s sermon/defense to those who were opposed to the message of the Gospel.  And when Stephen is stoned for his witness, Jesus is there with him unto the end.

This story gives me joy in knowing that even in the worst of circumstances, even in death by martyrdom, Jesus will be there for me.  As I remain faithful to our Lord Jesus, I will experience hostility and opposition to His message.  But Jesus will be with me, He will send His Holy Spirit to grant me faith and the right words to say in the time of trial.

And when it comes my turn to die in Him, He will give me a vision of His grace and love and faithfulness, that I will be faithful, even unto death.  When it is time for God’s people to be brought home, Jesus will be there, welcoming you and me.  And what a welcome it will be, unlike any welcome we have ever had here on earth!

Oh, Lord, grant me faith to live in witness to you.  And welcome me home when my time is done, for Jesus’ sake!  Amen!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.