Power in Peace

by Elizabeth Haarberg

True peace is only found in Christ.

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“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 English Standard Version

I heard a Pastor say that if he finds himself without peace, he goes back over his day to figure out where he lost it.

Peace ought to be part of the normal Christian life. Jesus offered peace multiple times to the disciples after He resurrected. He gave them a gift only He can offer. The world has been looking for peace since the fall of Adam and Eve. The only one who can calm the soul is God.

What’s our part in this? There is no action required, other than to receive. Practicing peace is an important element in holding onto the calm.

Finding a quiet place to connect with God is a good way to start. I like to practice peace in bed, before I go to sleep at night. Surrendering my will, I let God rearrange things I’ve tried to control during the day. It’s a little like reconciling books for accounting purposes where an accountant finds the mistakes, and fixes them, except we let Christ fix them.

Wishing away a problem will not be a permanent solution for peace. If that problem is fixed, there will be another issue to take its place. Tribulation is an opportunity to go deeper with Christ. If life was like heaven all the time, many of us would never reach up. The good news is, though, Jesus has overcome the world, and this is how we come face to face with peace.

There is a rise in counterfeit peace: yoga, Eastern meditation, Hindu, Buddhism, etc. The good in seeking peace in other arenas is knowing we have a desire for peace. The danger is putting this false substitute in the place of true peace. Only Jesus can truly calm the soul. He is the living water that flows from Himself to us.

Jesus is still offering peace today, just surrender and receive. He will do the rest.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Elizabeth Haarberg

Elizabeth Williams Haarberg lives in Kearney, Nebraska with her husband and four children. She has lived in many places but has found her true home with God.